Create Your Submission

If you could create success for yourself or your business, how would you do it?

Promote yourself or your business, and share your creativity or knowledge with the world by completing the simple form below to make your submission instantly!

If you need a bit of help before creating your submission, please scroll down first to see some simple tips.

Submit Your Offer
Last Page
Name / Business Name
Title *
Description *
Describe your idea.
Attach Image
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Youtube Video Link
Add a link to a relevant Youtube video to be featured in your post content.
Vimeo Video Link
Add a link to a relevant Vimeo video to be featured in your post content.
Post Category
Email Address
Phone Number
Website URL
Country *
City *
Exact Location (Area/Neighborhood)
Social Accounts
Terms & Conditions *


This service costs just €5.99/post, which helps to fund the upkeep of this platform and its evolution in the future.

Register your Account
First Name
Last Name
Choose a password using minimum 8 characters.
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Re-type your password.

Simple Writing Tips for Submitting Your Post

Follow these useful tips to ensure that more people read and understand what you want to achieve. Promoting yourself, marketing your business, and selling your products or services are all about reaching the right people. Write with your target audience or niche market in mind. Weave in keywords and phrases that your potential customers or investors are likely to search online to help promote your post. Include these keywords in the title and in the text that follows.

Don’t worry if some of these tips don’t really apply to your own specific post. Perhaps you just want to submit poetry. Maybe you wish to showcase your talent by uploading an image or video and you’re looking for more recognition locally or globally. No matter what it is, be creative in your pursuit and use our platform in any way you see fit.

What One Vote Up offers you most of, is the freedom to target your preferred audience by selecting a specific country, city, and even an exact location. By doing this, together we will create local communities that recognize local talents, people’s passions, and personal or business ventures, so we can help each other more. Imagine the connections we can forge by knowing each other a bit better, in more personal ways, and the value we can create for ourselves by engaging together in this collaboration and recognition process.

The Introduction

Use this section to introduce yourself, your product or service. Write a concise and interesting introduction that keeps your audience intrigued to find out more. If you want to promote your business or something else more specifically, then it needs to stand out. Make it unique and keep to the point.

The Middle

Here is your chance to go into more detail about your personal or business venture and develop it further. Describe it, explain how it would work, highlight its benefits and its potential. This is also the space to tell your own story or the story of your business. A personal journey offers the greatest potential to build connections with others.

The End

By now, your audience feels like they know you, you have proven your credibility and laid the foundation for building trust. It’s now time to finish on a high note. A great post concludes optimistically by reiterating what makes you, your business, or your project unique and special, while reminding the audience that it offers them value.

Call to Action

The most important part! What do you need your audience to do? Set out a course of action. Do they need to vote? Provide feedback? Get in touch with you? Then tell them! Using positive language, encourage them to support your idea by voting, leaving feedback and comments, sharing it on other social media platforms, investing, or purchasing your products/services.